8 Things You Should Never Do to Your Dog


If you have a canine companion, you love and care for your pet. You are very dedicated to your dog’s well-being. However, sometimes we all do things that we don’t realize might be a problem for our pet. Here are eight things you cannot do, things that are not in the best interest of your dog’s health and welfare.

Have your dog live completely outdoors

Dogs love to be outside. The fresh air, the space to run, all the lovely smells really enrich their lives. However, there can be too much of a good thing. First of all, your dog needs supervision so he does not get himself in a dangerous situation simply through his own curiosity. His natural love of the outdoors will keep him entertained for a while, but without your company he can get bored, which is not good for any dog. He loves to play with you and be near you, so being kept only outside and away from you will make him unhappy. Of course, he needs to be able to tolerate the weather conditions as well, and this varies from breed to breed with dogs.

Having your dog wait in the car for you

While your dog may love to take car rides with you, there are some concerns with having your dog stay in the car without you while you run errands or perform tasks. First of all, as you are well aware, cars easily heat up to stifling conditions in a very short time, which can be potentially deadly for your dog. Certainly he can become overheated which will make him quite ill. In the winter, the car will rapidly cool to conditions that are uncomfortable for him as well. And of late, there have been many thefts of dogs from cars when they are without their owners. Please, don’t assume your dog can safely wait in your car for you at any time.

Disregard your dog’s feelings

Most dog owners suspect that their dog has a significant emotional life, but science has taken note and proven it as well. In studies, it has been determined that your dog not only can read your body language and facial looks, but they also truly experience the emotions of love, depression and excitement. To tease or disregard your dog’s feelings will damage your relationship and his trust in you.

Hit a Dog

Appropriate training is important for your dog, to help him be a respectful and pleasant doggy citizen. Unfortunately, some dog owners feel that they need to hit their dog as a form of training, in fact this damages the trust relationship you have with your dog which can cause him to be afraid of you, and not allow him to trust you as his leader and companion. If a dog is afraid and unsure, he is more likely to revert to aggressive acts in order to protect himself, which is never good for dog or owner.

Avoid the veterinarian

If you don’t take your dog in for regular vet visits, you put your dog at risk as the knowledge and experience your veterinarian has is much larger than anything you might find on an internet search. While it is great to research and learn as much as you can, but always go to your vet when you have any worries about your dog’s health. You certainly don’t want to miss something important simply from inexperience.

Ignore dental care

While we don’t typically think about brushing our dog’s teeth, it is very helpful to do so. Plaque builds up on a dog’s teeth just as they do on yours. Have your veterinarian take a look annually, follow their recommendations and try to do some sort of regular dental care. Fingertip toothbrushes or child-size toothbrushes will be helpful, however your own toothpaste is not good for your dog, as they won’t be able to rinse and spit it out as you do when you brush your own teeth.

Allow your dog to eat more than they need

We love to feed those that we care for, it is a sign of affection and we love to provide them with treats that they like. However, just like in humans, obesity is a huge concern and damages a dog’s health in many ways. He will be less active as it is harder to move around and enjoy life if he is overweight.
Choose a collar that is inappropriate for him – The dog’s precise physical structure will affect how a collar not only fits but how it affects him. There are many options available to you, up to and including various kinds of harnesses. Your veterinarian can help you determine what kind of collar will be best for your dog.


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